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"A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures." The Picture of Dorian Gray

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

day fifty-four: what would happen?

what would happen if
i simply let loose?
if i let go of the hands
i've been told to hold
for my entire life?
what would happen if
i forgot that i remember
all the stinking rules?
what if i decided not to care?
what would happen then?

would the world crumble?
would the spinning stop?
would my world dizzy up and
fall over like a stopping top?
would it matter if i let go?
why am i even holding on?
who taught me this vice grip
that i have on things that are "right"?
who put that there?
not me.
not my problem.
not my hands.
i don't have to hold them.
what would happen
if i just didn't...?

why don't we just see
what would happen
if i did didn't.

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